J. Ignacio López.

Introduction from the Editor

Introduction from the Editor

The main purpose of the ARCPROSPECT Journal is to gather a wide diversity of interesting participants in our project who represent the spiritual and creative world and importance, uniqueness, value and longevity of the sacred and spiritual life, cultural traditions, worldviews, and artistic visioI am delighted to welcome all of you to the ARC Prospect Journal. As you have probably realized by now, this is not a typical Journal for reading and entertaining one’s mind and emotions. Instead, it is a journal about you and me, about all of us who are in great need to awake from the deep sleep which we are in.

We have been paradoxically lulled by the hectic pace of life that prevails in our societies. We have become increasingly numb towards deeper levels of reality due to the increasing experiences of fragmentation and existential disconnections in our daily lives. As a result, there has been a progressive oblivion of the greatness of human nature, especially its spiritual dimension, through which we can discover and truly engage with the inner self, the divine and the mystery of nature.ns. We invite them to jointly explore the existential process of discovery with their contributions.

It is our deep craving to find the path to a more fulfilled state of being, to a more purposeful life. This explains why the ARC Prospect Journal represents much more than a mere source of information. In fact, its main purpose is to operate as a genuine space for interaction, where alternative perspectives on the deepest mysteries of existence can enrich each other through authentic dialogue and the valuable sharing of experiences. Accordingly, this Journal is widely interdisciplinary and strongly encourages different forms of positive interaction between a broad range of beliefs, perspectives, lifestyles, and worldviews.

Consequently, the ARC Prospect Journal invites everyone to awake from this deep sleep in which we are all in by delving into the deepest dimensions of reality in order to seek there the ultimate meaning and purpose of our lives. We are all in need of beginning a progressive awakening towards a fuller, deeper, and more fulfilling life – that life for which we were created and towards which our whole human nature tends. I hope you can enthusiastically join this project and begin the awakening path in your life.

The members of the ARCPROSPECT Journal share a profound interest for culture, the arts and the discovery of the ultimate purpose of existence. We are not teachers or masters who had already achieved fulfillment and the existential state of enlightenment but seekers of the path that leads to spiritual enlightenment. We are pursuers of truth convinced that the answers to the greatest mysteries of existence can only be found together, through authentic dialogue and the enrichening exchange of ideas and points of view. Therefore, we invite all those interested on attaining a fulfilled life to join this delving into deeper levels of reality and begin in their lives the existential process of awakening.

About Our  Journal

About Our Journal


Our mission is to help creative people to get awaking and to rediscover themselves, to sustain their creative work over time through our program and projects and to engage the community through dialogue, exhibitions, performance, inspiring life examples and learning.


The ARCPROSPECT Journal considers every cultural, artistic and humanistic discipline as an alternative though complementary way of access to the profoundness of reality, where truth about existence ultimately lies. Therefore, instead of being homogeneous, the content provided by this Journal is always the result of an interactive and highly interdisciplinary dialogue. In fact, the ARC Prospect Journal does not offer straightforward answers but proposes deep and intriguing questions on a wide range of controversial topics related with the ultimate purpose of existence and invites interesting and renowned people to engage in dialogue and answer them through different cultural, artistic and humanistic expressions.